Monday, December 1, 2008

some facts about UP Diliman Students

So you think you know the true Isko and Iska? Ha! Think again. These findings will surely bust commonly held notions and stereotypes on UP Diliman students.

A glimpse of our research findings:

Grade Conscious.
Most UP Diliman students work hard for incentive grades.

Loner no more.
76.5% of UP Diliman students are organization members. 51.5% of them belong to more than one org.

Party harder.

70.8% of UP Diliman students have gone clubbing.

On the go!
More UP Diliman students own laptops (53.1%) than desktop computers (41.1%)

Readings galore!
Photocopying books is more popular than owning original copies

My Ride.
25.1% of UP Diliman students drive their own cars.

Non-Smoking Campus.
65.1% of UP Diliman students have never smoked and do not plan on smoking while still in UP.

Academic Integrity.
UP Diliman students find cheating and plagiarism unjustifiable.

Just say NO.
84.8% of UP Diliman students have never had sex while in UP. 92.4% have never taken prohibited drugs.

Sexy time!
10.6% of UP Diliman students have had sex while in campus and they are willing to do it again while in UP.

Intrigued? Know the numbers. Go beyond the statistics.

Watch KaleidoISKOpe: Silip sa Bagong Iskolar ng Bayan

CMC Auditorium, Dec. 4, 1 - 4 PM.

Admission is free! See you there! =)

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